Monday, April 9, 2012

Home Sweet Home.

Chatting to a few people who have recently moved away from home and going back to my home town this weekend has inspired a post about what we call 'home.'

My moves and travels over the past few years have redefined what home is
and what it can be-
I have found it possible to have more than one place that you would call home,
and equally to find myself feeling without a place to call home.

If you have ever moved town, city or country then maybe you can relate??

So what is 'home'?
I'm sure you have your ideas.
Here are some of mine:

Home can be where the people you love live,

This easter I went to the G-parents' bungalow where i was well fed and looked after.  I always feel so relaxed when I stay with them. Plus I got to meet the new dog-Harry.

It was lovely to go home!

Home can be a feeling you get when you arrive somewhere,
I love the excitment and anticipation that is attached with stepping off the plane onto Canada soil to find my family waiting for me.


Only 5 and a half weeks till I fly home!

Home can be a place you live and make a home,

I live with two lovely girlies in our small, but cosy flat in London.
We made it our new years resolution to eat together more and this past week
Sadi cooked us up a feast of yummy food!

Hope you too had a lovely Easter break!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Inspiration

The sun is shining and suddenly the world is a much better place to be
So it's time to wriggle out of those shells -say goodbye to winter blues
If you, like me, fancy trying something new this Spring here is (hopefully) some inspiration for you:

1. Go to a life drawing class. I've only been once but it was a relaxing and a unique way to spend an evening and would definitely go again. Plus free art for your wall??

2. Go for a walk. It's simple but effective. I went for one today in my lunch break. Just 10 minutes round a quiet park and I had daydreamed my way to a new world which got me thinking how can I make that world??? Walking is a great space for you mind to wonder aimlessly. I also find train rides ideal for this!

3. Have strawberries and scones in the park with a friend. I had a lovely time doing this over the weekend. Conversation, yummy food, sunshine and green grass what could be better? I also love seeing other people out enjoying the sun.


4. Borrow a book from a friend and read it in the park or at a cafe. I'm quite a regular non-fiction reader but rarely do I read a fiction, so this year I made it my resolution to read more. I'm currently cruising through the The Island by Victoria Hislop (lent to me by a bookworm friend). A perfect Sunday afternoon read.


5. Make banana bread. Love it and have recently found a lush recipe from Cook Yourself Slim  recipe book. All the yummyness but lower in fat so you can eat twice a much! A win for all! (Scroll down to end for recipe)


6. Make a herb window box. This is on my to-do-list. I did attempt to grow basil, chives and parsley last year but with little joy. The basil turned into a weed, i had one lonely strand of chive, but the parsley does live on! Hopefully 2nd time round will be more of a success story!

7. Spring Clean! Ok so i realise it's not the most desirable thing on the list but it is at least a yearly necessity. You can de-clutter (=more space) and feel good about donating your stuff which can be enjoyed by someone else. Even if you have clothes that you don't think are in good enough condition most charity shops can get money from your rags. So bag them up, label the bag with RAGs and drop it off at your local charity shop.

For bonus points turn throw away into recycle

8. Send someone a postcard. I love getting mail especially when it's an unexpected letter from a friend. No matter how much technology evoles there will always be a place for pen and paper.

Have a lovely day!

Banana Loaf Recipe

Makes 14 slices
201 calories per slice

Ingredients50g butter
175g light brown soft sugar
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
350g peeled ripe bananas, mashed
200g self-raising flour sifted
½ tsp salt
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
75g walnuts, roughly chopped
6 walnuts halves

Preheat the oven to 180oC/fan 160oC. Line and grease a 1kg loaf tin. Cream the butter with the sugar in a large mixing bowl until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs, and gradually whisk them into the butter and sugar. Add the mashed bananas and beat the mixture well. Carefully fold in the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Stir in the walnuts. Put the cake mixture into the prepared loaf tin and decorate with the walnut halves, pressing them gently into the mixture. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes, until the cake has risen and us golden. Allow to cool. EAT!!!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rice and Bean Challenge. The End.

Last breaky
                      The challenge is finished!!!

 I have to confess I broke the challenge after 4 1/2 days instead of doing the full 5 as I was going away.

(Let me tell you a bagel has never tasted sooooo LUSH!!!)

Here are some final reflections...

 The weak are Strong

What words and feelings do you associate with 'the poor'?

Here are some of mine:


During the challenge I questioned these and I stand humbly corrected.

I am the weak one-
 I would not be able to work or care for a family when I'm starving.
During the challenge I turned my thoughts to my own hunger. I complained about feeling hungry. I was grumpier. I resented the fact I had to eat bland food.

Then I realised...
that for people who the rice and bean challenge is not a choice but a reality- they are the strong ones. These people are stronger, bigger and more selfless than me.

I feel a real respect and admiration for them!

Reality check
Day 4 was the hardest day for me. I felt ready to scoff my face with food and had to exercise a lot of self control, but what kept me going was knowing that the next day i would be able to eat what I wanted.

This I realised...

I had an end, but people in poverty don't know when or if their end will come. They can't guarantee their next meal.

How much harder would it have been not knowing when the hunger was going to end??

In my first post I said I wanted a challenge.I was challenged- more than I thought I would be. I can't say it was enjoyable but I am so glad that I did it and I will do it again.

It has made me review how much I am spending on treats and food that I don't need.

It's time to be more conscious of my decisions on where to spend money.
The price of one chocolate bar was around the same cost of my food for the 5 days!!!

How many people could my chocolate bar feed?

It's time for me to make some changes!

Thanks for reading!

Would love to hear how you've found it if you've done the challenge or are thinking about it. Comment away.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rice, Hunger. Reflections

Rice and Beans Challenge: Day 2

This is really difficult! I’m 2 days into the challenge and already feeling the struggle.

The Menu

20g oats, 35g rice and 30g beans. Yum??
Breakfast: 20g porridge made with water

Lunch: 35g rice with 30g beans

Dinner :35g rice with 30g beans

Drinks: Water

This is a lot more than a lot of people would have and I know that this challenge is not a true representation of what it's really like by any measure, but it is helping to turn what is an intellectual truth -that billions of people are starving every day- to one that my body starts to feel too.

Reflections. Thoughts. Challenges. Questions.
*I am learning what it is to feel hungry- actually hungry.

Around 10 million people in East Africa are facing
                severe hunger due to drought destroying
               crops and livestock

~When was the last time you felt proper hunger??

*I am becoming aware of how much my life revolves around food. It is everywhere! When I’m peckish I can open the fridge, pop into a coffee shop or a local shop. I live 2 mins from a 24 hour shop- I have access 24/7.

"mmm, what to have now??"

~I wonder how many times a day I open the fridge??

*I’m having to think differently when arranging to meet friends.  I can no longer go for my usual cafĂ© catch up.
~How do you socialise with friends?

*I feel more tired and less motivated to do anything

~How do people live on less than this
and still manage to work in the fields all day??

*I am learning to be truly thankful for the food I eat (even if it doesn't have any flavour!)
~When were you last truly thankful for your food??

*I have realised that I have freedom and choice. I have the choice of what food I want to eat. I have the choice to eat/drink out. How hard it must be to see people eat while you go hungry?
I have the freedom from worrying about my next meal.

How many people share this freedom??

Yes I have freedom and choice, but what do I want to use it for?
What if I cut down on snacks or portions?
What if I fasted one day a week?
What if I didn’t buy a chocolate bar when I felt like it?
What if the money I could save from my greed could buy a meal for someone who is hungrier than me right now??

                                           What if you...?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rice and Beans with a Sprinkle of Insight

Have you given up anything for lent? If so, what did you give up??

This year I was out for a challenge and so it only seemed right that I embarked upon The Rice and Bean Challenge (courtesy of the Rhythms movement in connection with Tearfund

What is it??

The concept is simple- For 5 days you just eat porridge, rice and beans and then give the money you save on your normal food shop to those who have to go without. 

So myself and the lovely, Jo (check out her blog at will begin the challenge this Tuesday and we invite any of you to join us.
Reasons why we are doing it:

~To gain some insight to what it is like to live like most of the world
~To reflect on the way we live and spend our money
~To pray for those who are oppressed
Having said that I am dreading this week and as a food lover who's life is scheduled around meal times I expect to find this incredibly hard!!!

Things I will miss the most:

# 1: TEA
Brit to the core I  own around 10 different varieties of tea
  and drink anything from 3 and 10 mugs a day!!!
(would like to point out it's mostly decaf!)

# 2: Fruit and Vegetables
I have a genuine love for any fruit/veg and wouldn't be seen without them on my plate

#3: Chocolate
Complete lack of self control when it comes to chocolate moments!

Bring on Tuesday!

Welcome. Please keep your shoes on.

Thank you for entering my new blog!
Please make yourself at home as I write...

why am I starting a blog? you ask

Is it because I have an amamazingly interesting life that you should all read about?

...No that's definitely not it
Is it because this is the 21st century and it's what everyone is doing?

Am I  looking for a more interesting form of procrastination than cleaning?


Do I not really know

 somehow, somewhere, something or someone has inspired me too?

...Yes that's it!

So here I am.

I hope you stop by for a visit every now and then
Just walk right on in....