Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Inspiration

The sun is shining and suddenly the world is a much better place to be
So it's time to wriggle out of those shells -say goodbye to winter blues
If you, like me, fancy trying something new this Spring here is (hopefully) some inspiration for you:

1. Go to a life drawing class. I've only been once but it was a relaxing and a unique way to spend an evening and would definitely go again. Plus free art for your wall??

2. Go for a walk. It's simple but effective. I went for one today in my lunch break. Just 10 minutes round a quiet park and I had daydreamed my way to a new world which got me thinking how can I make that world??? Walking is a great space for you mind to wonder aimlessly. I also find train rides ideal for this!

3. Have strawberries and scones in the park with a friend. I had a lovely time doing this over the weekend. Conversation, yummy food, sunshine and green grass what could be better? I also love seeing other people out enjoying the sun.


4. Borrow a book from a friend and read it in the park or at a cafe. I'm quite a regular non-fiction reader but rarely do I read a fiction, so this year I made it my resolution to read more. I'm currently cruising through the The Island by Victoria Hislop (lent to me by a bookworm friend). A perfect Sunday afternoon read.


5. Make banana bread. Love it and have recently found a lush recipe from Cook Yourself Slim  recipe book. All the yummyness but lower in fat so you can eat twice a much! A win for all! (Scroll down to end for recipe)


6. Make a herb window box. This is on my to-do-list. I did attempt to grow basil, chives and parsley last year but with little joy. The basil turned into a weed, i had one lonely strand of chive, but the parsley does live on! Hopefully 2nd time round will be more of a success story!

7. Spring Clean! Ok so i realise it's not the most desirable thing on the list but it is at least a yearly necessity. You can de-clutter (=more space) and feel good about donating your stuff which can be enjoyed by someone else. Even if you have clothes that you don't think are in good enough condition most charity shops can get money from your rags. So bag them up, label the bag with RAGs and drop it off at your local charity shop.

For bonus points turn throw away into recycle

8. Send someone a postcard. I love getting mail especially when it's an unexpected letter from a friend. No matter how much technology evoles there will always be a place for pen and paper.

Have a lovely day!

Banana Loaf Recipe

Makes 14 slices
201 calories per slice

Ingredients50g butter
175g light brown soft sugar
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
350g peeled ripe bananas, mashed
200g self-raising flour sifted
½ tsp salt
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
75g walnuts, roughly chopped
6 walnuts halves

Preheat the oven to 180oC/fan 160oC. Line and grease a 1kg loaf tin. Cream the butter with the sugar in a large mixing bowl until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs, and gradually whisk them into the butter and sugar. Add the mashed bananas and beat the mixture well. Carefully fold in the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Stir in the walnuts. Put the cake mixture into the prepared loaf tin and decorate with the walnut halves, pressing them gently into the mixture. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes, until the cake has risen and us golden. Allow to cool. EAT!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel inspired! And I will defo take you up on the strawberries and scones one! x
